Saturday, February 16, 2013

Este Tiempe, Numero Uno...

Sometimes, I wish my computer chair were a nice, comfortable toilet seat at the ready whenever I had to pee!

Ainsley Jo Phillips 
February 15, 2013

Por Numero Dos, marque aqui...  

Btw...Have you ever checked out this potty spot?
It gets interesting at times!  I can't believe what gets posted on there sometimes, but TMI can be fun to read (and write), and this also is a place where you can get helpful advice re: liquid, solid, and vapor waste.  

I'm actually going to be making this entry viewable on Saturday, February 16, even though I created the quote a day earlier, because I wanted to add a little bit more to it.

And, now, I'm just about to put the finishing touches on it by providing a link to my latest blog, When Nature Calls.      

Okay!  It's now ready to post--obviously, as you're now reading it...