Friday, March 15, 2013

These Gag-Orders Make Me Want To Gag!!!

Pretty soon, cupcakes won't have icing since icing--and the alternative word, frosting--sounds wintery and children have died during a blizzard. They won't be able to call them cupcakes, because of all of the references to cups in The Bible, and this might be offensive to a nonChristian child. Pretty soon after that, no food at all at parties since the food of choice might offend someone. Finally, no parties so that the school won't be seen as being partisan. Sheesh!!!

Ainsley Jo Phillips 
March 15, 2013 

The above is the comment I left to go with a news story shared on Facebook.  Below is the news story...
Since third-grader Casey Fountain of Caro, Mich., was turning 9 on a school day, his mother sent cupcakes to class with him -- 30 of them, enough for everyone. But the boy's father said he got a call from Susan Wright, the principal of Schall Elementary School, saying the decorations on the cupcakes were "insensitive" -- 2" toy soldiers -- considering that there was a school shooting in another state a few months before. The school removed all of the green army men and replaced them with different decorations. "We
walk a delicate balance in teaching non-violence in our buildings and trying to ensure a safe, peaceful atmosphere," Wright said, adding she meant "no disrespect" for the military who "defend our right to have differences." She then played the "child safety" card, and noted, "Living in a democratic society entails respect for opposing opinions." (RC/WNEM Flint)