When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
I Corinthians 13:11
It refers to spiritual growth and how the more we grow the more we understand.
Like, I have a different concept of God now than I did as a child.
As a child, I thought He looked something like Santa Claus only wearing a robe instead of a red suit.
Now, I understand that God doesn't particularly look like anything but is, instead, a spirit that can be represented as simply the entire universe or in something like a burning bush or someone who appears looking like George Burns.
God is the spirit of all that is perfectly good.
Anytime we do good things, we reflect the spirit of God. When we aren't on our best behavior, the mirror becomes different stages of darkness.
Imo, there has only once and never will be again, another Jesus Who reflected God so purely during His life.
Jesus is God throughout eternity!!!
Jesus will be the representation of God Who waits for us to lead us out of our bodies and into the next phase of Eternity!!!
He's the White Light people talk about seeing in the tunnel when they have a NDE. He turned an awesome white during the transformation on the mountaintop. I believe He's why Native Americans refer to God as The Great White Spirit!!!
This is how I best understand God at this time, but I'm sure that I'm only describing such a minute piece as Something so indescribable with mere words!!!
Ainsley Jo Phillips
May 3, 2013