You've got my prayers, love, and positive thoughts!!!
This sounds downright scary--and that's because it IS downright scary!
Never feel bad for feeling fear and anxiety about this, as fear and anxiety are very real feelings!
Jesus owned those feelings both when He was praying in the garden and during His crucifixion. "Let this cup be taken from me!" and "My God! My God! Why have you forsaken me!?!" are a far cry from just wearing a big grin and singing "Don't worry! Be happy!"
Yet, continue to feel the comfort that God is lovingly carrying you through this time, and seek His guidance in what's the best thing to do and when to do it.
At this time, both my mom and I--along with several others--are going through a challenging time that was brought about by choices we'd made with the best of intentions, though nothing that compares to what you seem to be experiencing.
We have been finding that--just when we think we have our problems licked--another stumbling block gets thrown in our path. But we simply do what we can and trust God alone with the rest, and we've been finding that each of those stumbling blocks (which God has guided us to turn into challenges) are met with a solution at just the right time!
Each one becomes a learning experience for us that we can share with others!!!
You've got a serious situation going on there, so I'm praying that you get out of it a.s.a.p.
The best thing to remember is that God was with you before this was going on in your life and will continue to be with you both now and when you're finally able to see the current events as nothing but a very bad memory.
Believe it or not, some of what's taking place even now will be going into that description known as "The Good Old Days," because God is always sending wonderful blessings our way, even in the midst of a terrible storm of life like what you're now going through!!!
Ainsley Jo Phillips
April 5, 2013
The above is my response to a woman named Joelyn who was asking for prayers re: living in a situation where she felt as if she and her family were in danger right down to their lives.
When she wrote her prayer request, she wasn't specific re: the danger.
However, God knows what this would be.
Please join me in prayer for her.
Someday, we'll come to know what we've prayed her and her family through.
Please, also, keep my mom, others who are going through related problems, and myself in your prayers--and please pray for our antagonists as well, as they, obviously, need all of the prayers that they can get to help them to see the error of their ways and to decide to live better lives.