Isn't it odd that there's such difficulty in getting certain weapons (not to be confused with guns for hunting, protection, and target practice that aren't of the calibre meant only for the military and police) banned for public sale or use--yet, so easy to keep this weed/plant-of-personal-choice illegal!?!
Isn't it odd that parents are actually being threatened with the removal of children from their homes if they don't comply with the opinion of school faculty and administrators that their children need to be on Ritalin and/or its ilk--while the powers-that-be who would back decisions like this in a heartbeat are, too often, the same ones who want to continue having marijuana remain illegal enough that you could face everything from confiscation of your property to years in prison for even making the choice to use it yourself!?!
Yes! Some people DO use marijuana in ways that don't make good sense, but they do that with a lot of things.
I can tell you this much: no movie-goers, teachers, kids, school administrators, people eating at restaurants, etc. have been killed in a matter of minutes because somebody was using marijuana with no other factors (e.g. a spark from lighting up causing a fire; using marijuana but, also, having other unrelated issues going on, etc.) involved.
Would that the person who approached a very special friend in his car late on September 11, 1978 had a joint in his/her hand instead of the gun that he/she used to shorten Roberto's time with those of us who loved him. Roberto was only 51 at the time and, likely, would have still been here today and would have celebrated his 86th birthday this past week on April 11.
Roberto's son has--in spite of losing his dad in such a tragic way when he was only 12 years old--grown into a man who has done his dad proud. He's a loving husband and dad as well as being a wonderful pillar of his community who has dedicated his life to following in Jesus' footsteps and making so many positive differences in the lives of others.
However, there's a hole in his life where his dad should have been all of these years.
Former Mouseketeer, Annette, passed away this week after a courageous, decades-long battle with MS. Would her life have been extended--or, at least, have an improved quality to it--if marijuana had been an available option included in her treatment? Would she have even chosen that route?
Whether she would or wouldn't have, she should have at least had the choice without fear of ending up behind bars.
Using marijuana is one of those things that has been referred to as a victimless "crime"--that is, a personal choice that should have never become a crime (and, on top of that, such a "serious" crime that people have ended up in prison for even decades for its use).
I could say even more about this, but this is enough for now...
Ainsley Jo Phillips
April 13, 2013