Sunday, March 31, 2013

Where Does Our Treasure Lie?

I follow the money only so far as I'm able to follow Jesus at the same time. When the two conflict, it's time to quit following the money!

Ainsley Jo Phillips 
March 31, 2013
Easter Sunday!!!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Could Things Have Turned Out Differently?

To use this case to justify official euthanasia can be dangerous, so, hopefully, it never will.

If it does make doctor-done/doctor-assisted euthanasia legal and justifiable, you're going to see many elderly/handicapped people being legally-murdered just to get them out of the way after they're deemed to be "useless." To me, that's scary!!!

There should never be a death penalty available for the "crime" of being elderly and/or handicapped.

However, cases like this should be tried individually and compassionately.

Many of them wouldn't even make it to the courtroom, I'm sure.

There still would have to be an investigation to make sure that the surviving spouse wasn't a Michael Schiavo type instead of someone like this brokenhearted man who reluctantly made himself a widower out of a deep love for his wife.

There are no easy answers--though could it be that, if people were given more choice of treatment, etc., they might not end up even making decisions like this one.

If this woman were given options to where she would have a better experience as she journeyed towards the time where she died of natural causes, she might not have decided to leave.

There are alternative treatments out there, and it shouldn't be illegal for a consenting adult to choose one over the Big Pharma option--and certainly far better than a bullet to the brain.

Ainsley Jo Phillips 
March 29, 2013 

This was written in response to the reaction of many who left comments (that euthanasia should be legalized) in response to the case of the 86 year old husband (fortunate enough to have a compassionate judge who sentenced him to probation instead of prison) who was arrested for fatally shooting his 81 year old sick wife because she begged him to.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Burning The American Flag

I've never burned a flag in my life, and love to fly and wave our flag instead.

However, our country would lose a very important part of what makes it great if flag-burning were outlawed.

Flag-burning isn't--by most people engaging in this kind of demonstration--a message of hating America.

Instead, it's a message that can best be interpreted as: 

"We love our country, but we don't like what we see happening to it, so this is our way of sending a message that things need to change or else our country will be in danger of becoming something that we don't want it to be!!!"

Ainsley Jo Phillips 
March 27, 2013

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Some Of My Thoughts On Pedophile Priests

It's not my opinion that the best solution for priests who have a mental dis-ease that tempts them to sexually abuse children should be to have them kicked out of the priesthood and thrown into prison.

If I were running things, I would give them a position where they could be priests but away from children--like in a monastery somewhere (incarcerated instead of being allowed to come and go as they please unsupervised) with their duties being things like gardening, praying, adult education, etc.

While it might be nice to be able to give them the II Corinthians 5:17 clean bill of health, we can't risk innocent lives to do so.

Ainsley Jo Phillips 
March 26, 2013

Thought For Food

Wouldn't it be nice if food would make you lose when you're getting too heavy and gain when you're getting too skinny!?!

Ainsley Jo Phillips 
March 26, 2013

A Fun (And Somewhat Corny) Money Fact

Pick A Title:
How Do You Like THEM Apples!?!
Isn't This A Peach Of A Poem!?!
Orange Juice Getting Ready To GROWn!?!

One who's in the orchard business is one
Who seldom (if ever) agrees
With this old, familiar saying: 
"Money doesn't grow on trees!" 

Ainsley Jo Phillips 
March 26, 2013

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Re: The Making Of Mounds Lake Reservoir (I'm--Obviously--Against It!)

Even if a decision gets made at some time to tear down part or all of the original Mounds Mall to bring it up-to-date, whatever gets built to replace it belongs right where it is now instead of the space being filled with a pollution-causing hole full of filthy water.

Evidence seems to indicate that any reservoir built on this spot would be like building a giant TOILET.

Do we want to become known as ToiletTown, Indiana!?!

I would rather our town would remain known as Anderson, Indiana!!!

Ainsley Jo Phillips 
March 23, 2013

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


We are the 99%!!! Hear us bark like the Great Danes we were meant to be!!! We shouldn't be discouraged from pursuing our rights by a little Teacup Chihuahua known as the 1% yipping and yapping around!!!

Ainsley Jo Phillips 
March 19, 2013

Monday, March 18, 2013

The Difference Between Being Health-Minded And Being A Nutritional Worrywart

I do believe in healthy eating, but I think we take this to extremes at times to where it becomes very easy to imagine that there's a ticking sound coming from every Big Mac and you're waiting for it to go BOOM!!! and produce a mushroom cloud...

Ainsley Jo Phillips 
March 18, 2013


Welcome To MY Beeswax!!!

If it's MY decision, my bad. If it's not...respect my decision to collect belly-button lint in plastic bags (in case I should need it), if that's my thing!!! If I want to paint my walls pitch-black with big, pink polka-dots, so be it as well!

Ainsley Jo Phillips 
March 18, 2013

The above was written in response to the message on a cartoon posted at Facebook:  

"Junk is something you keep around for years...and throw out 2 weeks before you need it!"

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Written Upon Viewing The Photograph Of A Beautiful Church From Way Back When...

I never knew about this building! Obviously, it got torn down--and, looking at it, I can't imagine why. Or CAN I? Oh yes! I know why it was torn down! Because tearing down beautiful structures like this one was considered to be PROGRESS! Huh!?!

Ainsley Jo Phillips 
March 17, 2013

Saturday, March 16, 2013

My Response To Another One Of Those Fast-Food-Bashing Articles (This Time, Aimed At Subway)

It seems to me as if there's only one way to avoid eating/drinking something that might contain something that isn't good for you in one way or another:

Don't eat! Don't drink! Choose whether or not to Be Merry!

Soon, ye shall die--either of starvation, dehydration, or both!

I think I'd rather eat something from Subway...

Ainsley Jo Phillips 
March 16, 2013

Friday, March 15, 2013

These Gag-Orders Make Me Want To Gag!!!

Pretty soon, cupcakes won't have icing since icing--and the alternative word, frosting--sounds wintery and children have died during a blizzard. They won't be able to call them cupcakes, because of all of the references to cups in The Bible, and this might be offensive to a nonChristian child. Pretty soon after that, no food at all at parties since the food of choice might offend someone. Finally, no parties so that the school won't be seen as being partisan. Sheesh!!!

Ainsley Jo Phillips 
March 15, 2013 

The above is the comment I left to go with a news story shared on Facebook.  Below is the news story...
Since third-grader Casey Fountain of Caro, Mich., was turning 9 on a school day, his mother sent cupcakes to class with him -- 30 of them, enough for everyone. But the boy's father said he got a call from Susan Wright, the principal of Schall Elementary School, saying the decorations on the cupcakes were "insensitive" -- 2" toy soldiers -- considering that there was a school shooting in another state a few months before. The school removed all of the green army men and replaced them with different decorations. "We
walk a delicate balance in teaching non-violence in our buildings and trying to ensure a safe, peaceful atmosphere," Wright said, adding she meant "no disrespect" for the military who "defend our right to have differences." She then played the "child safety" card, and noted, "Living in a democratic society entails respect for opposing opinions." (RC/WNEM Flint)

A Time To (For Example) Text And A Time NOT To (For Example) Text...

There's a time and place for everything (at least, for everything that's positive)--and, by the same token, there's a time and place for NOT doing some things. For example, texting while driving. I don't know how ANYone could believe that it's okay to be in the driver's seat letting the vehicle move along on its own while you communicate using a tiny typewriter.

Ainsley Jo Phillips 
March 15, 2013

How To Up Your Chances Of A Divorce And/Or Very Unhappy Marriage

A big reason for divorce--or, at least, a very unhappy marriage--having a very good chance of becoming part of ones future happens even before the marriage takes place.

What I'm talking about is marrying for "the wrong reasons."

Some things (and there are even more than these) that would fall under the category of "the wrong reasons" are as follows:

buying into the idea that marriage is something that "good" people do, so you set out to get married because you want to be married instead of because you've found someone you want to marry

getting married on the rebound while still carrying the torch for someone else whom you believe you "should" get over and go about "getting on with your life"

getting married to someone of the opposite sex in order to become "healed" from being gay

marrying someone--even while having a gut-feeling that this person isn't truly "the one"--because all of your friends think that you and this person make such a wonderful couple

marrying someone mainly because you want to keep or create an image of belonging to a certain segment of society, and this person is a means to make this happen

marrying someone because you've been together for so long that you've already invested too many months/years in the relationship (even if it's a very bad relationship) just to leave and start over again

getting married because you're afraid of growing old and lonely

getting married based on some physical characteristic (e.g. large breasts. toned muscles) while not getting to know the person's personality traits

getting married to someone in hopes of changing him/her to fit your image of the ideal spouse

getting married because you went too far and lost your virginity, so this is the only way to "make it right"

getting married because the two of you have created a child together even though your main interest in each other is more of a lustful nature than a loving nature

getting married because you think there's something wrong with you NOT to want to marry such a wonderful person--even though your heart is telling you that you aren't in love with this person but are just in a comfortable, positive, but platonic relationship.

Ainsley Jo Phillips 
March 15, 2013

If You Live In Singapore, You Might Be In Danger Of This Happening More Sooner Than Later...

It's a wonder that they don't have you all dressing alike in unisex costumes and all of you with shaved heads so that you will not stand out in the crowd. Also, enacting the death penalty for walking in any way other than goosestepping!!!

Ainsley Jo Phillips 
March 15, 2013

The post below was originally made over at Facebook on the Singapore Sucks page...

Singapore Sucks also has its very own website not connected with FB. 

Dear fans of Singapore Sucks!,

The book is currently sold out in Malaysia. So if you are planning a trip over the Causeway just to grab a copy, please don’t.

The book is only available in Kinokuniya’s outlets in Singapore and Mary Martin Booksellers (also located in Singapore).

Overseas buyers can place their orders via Mary Martin's website:

They do overseas shipping. Be sure to send them an email to get a better quotation for shipping charges. Here's their email address:

Please share this status with your friends! :-)

Here's something I wrote at Facebook about what has been written about in this book--as well as my impressions of Singapore re: what I've already learned about it:This book (a compilation of several writers from Singapore) is, imo, a must-read. To me, Singapore sounds a lot like the fictional-but-symbolic communities of Stepford and the one that was the setting for Shirley Jackson's short story The Lottery. That is, it is sold to the world as a wonderful place in which to live when, in truth, living there isn't all its cracked up to be. Let me put it this way. If The Orient Express came back into being and I was riding it, when it made a stop in Singapore, you would find me remaining on the train!!! 


Following The Crowd--Or Not...

Sometimes, I follow the crowd, and, sometimes, I don't. It all depends upon whether or not I believe the crowd is headed in the right direction!

Ainsley Jo Phillips 
March 15, 2013 

The above was written in response 
to a quote by Albert Einstein:

"The one who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd.  Those who walk alone are likely to find themselves in places no one has ever been before."

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Do The Golden Arches Cause Fallen Arches?

Back in the "good old days" when there was no fast food, chemical preservatives, and other food vices, people still came in a variety of sizes. 

People also ended up getting diseases such as cancer--not to mention whole areas of people getting seriously/fatally ill due to epidemics. 

At sixty, I've lived long enough to even see certain foods going back and forth from being praised to being demonized with one example of such being the cranberry. 

The biggest example of having our minds messed with, imo, doesn't seem to be getting done by McDonald's commercials but, instead, done by various groups and individuals who have gotten various ones of us so confused that we hardly know what to eat/not eat next...

Ainsley Jo Phillips 
March 13, 2013

Monday, March 11, 2013

The Execution Of Private Slovik

Scooter--I see that we're on the same page. My answer is that Eddie Slovik wasn't killed to show that killing was wrong. Instead, he was killed to show that NOT killing was wrong. It's quite possible that Indiana's own Ryan White might still be alive and healthy today had Eddie come home to his wife and had the chance to have the child who would grow up to find a cure for A.I.D.S.

Ainsley Jo Phillips 
March 11, 2013

Saturday, March 9, 2013

"The Three Bells" by The Browns

My grandpa (George Elmer "Greeley" Jobe) passed away on my first full day of first grade (August 31, 1959). 

It was a rainy morning dark and gray when his soul winged its way to Heaven. 

I had no idea that he had passed until I got home from school. 

This song has always reminded me of that day in my personal history. 

I could personally feel the pain--even worse than mine--of those children who came home from school on 9-11-01 to learn that one or both parents weren't coming home again...

Ainsley Jo Phillips 
March 9, 2013

Elvis: Alive? Or Dead?

Elvis IS alive--with Jesus in Heaven!!! 

Like Daniel, his eyes have died but he sees more than we do and is a star in the face of the sky!!! 

Even if it turns out that rumors of his passing have been greatly exaggerated, he wouldn't look like he did when he was 42 unless he was either wearing a costume or had a lot of plastic surgery done. 

Rick Huxley of The Dave Clark 5 passed away recently, and he looked adorable in the picture that went with his obituary--but not adorable in the sense of looking like a young rock star. 

He looked more like the description of The Old Lamplighter in that wonderful song The Browns made a hit back in the late 1950s or early 1960s. 

He looked soooooooo precious! 

An Elvis still here on this side would, likely, look more like The Old Lamplighter these days as well.

Ainsley Jo Phillips 
March 9, 2013

Daylight Savings & Wasting Food In Hopes Of Losing Weight

We get the same amount of hours each day--longer amounts of daytime as we progress towards the longest day of the year (around June 20 or June 21) and shorter amounts of daytime as we hit the longest day and start traveling towards the shortest day of the year (around December 20 or December 21) at which time the days start growing longer again.

Daylight Savings Time doesn't make the day longer--it only makes the time different by one hour so that it will seem as if it's getting darker/brighter earlier/later than the day before.

It's an illusion such as using a smaller plate to make you seem as if you're getting more food--and the ridiculous thing of only eating half of what's on your plate and throwing out the other half in hopes of losing weight. All that does is waste food and have you spending twice as much on groceries.

The smaller plate illusion is, imo, a great idea. However, let me warn you that, if you EVER did the latter when I was the one buying the food, I would be very tempted to invite you back to another dinner party; tell you not to serve yourself like the other guests due to having trouble managing food; and, then, serve you a single green bean while saying that, when you ate it, I would put another bite of food on your plate if you wanted it.

Ainsley Jo Phillips 
March 9, 2013

We Need To Always Have the U.S.P.S.

Call me old-fashioned, but I like the idea of opening my own mail and dealing with it. I'm one of the people who--in spite of doing a lot of my communicating with email--still like sending and receiving snail mail. I believe that--no matter what we might think--most of us would miss snail mail if it were gone. This is also a potential invasion of privacy. If I wanted everybody to know what I might be writing to a personal friend, relative, or business associate, I would walk up and down the street with a bullhorn announcing it!!! We need to keep the U.S.P.S. or we're giving up our privacy!!!

Ainsley Jo Phillips 

Thursday, March 7, 2013

No Easy Way Out!!!

Some people believe that Jesus will serve as Calgon when it comes to dealing with the problems of the world. 

However, I believe He's meant to serve as our guide and empowerer when we make up our minds to see what could be, ask "Why not!?!" and get ready to share the love, good, and positive vibes!!!  Spiritual elbow grease needed!!!

Ainsley Jo Phillips 
March 7, 2013

Don't You Ever Wonder What REALLY Happened 11/22/63. 9/11/01, Etc.?

There's something fishy going on with the world--acknowledge it, and do your best to make it better!

Ainsley Jo Phillips 
March 7, 2013

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Foxy Is The Finder...

Too many members of Congress are letting stinks and blaming President Obama...

Ainsley Jo Phillips 
March 5, 2013

Friday, March 1, 2013

Meow! (or) What's That Dead Cat Doing In My Basement!?!

Have you ever gone through an experience of once thinking that somebody was about the best thing since sliced bread--and, then, realizing too late that, if that person were sliced bread, he would be covered with mold, and the mold would be to the place where it was growing fur!?!

Ainsley Jo Phillips 
March 1, 2013